Meet HTD at VIVE


HTD Health is the leading technology consultancy for healthcare. We support provider organizations, venture studios, SaaS infrastructure companies, and device companies with digital product strategy, design, engineering, and maintenance. Book a meeting in Los Angeles!

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 In the meantime, check out some relevant HTD Insights articles.

AI and Healthcare thumbnail

Jul 25, 2023

11 min read


AI and healthcare: Big opportunities, bigger risks?

Where artificial intelligence and machine learning promise to move the healthcare industry forward and what challenges will hold them back.

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Product discovery process in HTD Health

Oct 03, 2023

7 min read


Let’s disco! – HTD Health’s approach to product discovery

Learn how HTD approaches product strategy and discovery work with new clients.

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User data

HTD has served 100+ top companies across healthcare


Nitin Gujral

HTD's deep knowledge of healthcare and healthcare IT made them an ideal partner for developing our new mobile app. Leveraging their expertise in the most current consumer grade frameworks and technologies, we were able to accelerate our timeline and decrease project risk. We'd highly recommend HTD for any healthcare product development needs.

Nitin Gujral

Director of Software Engineering and R&D
Innovation and Digital Health Accelerator
Boston Children's Hospital